Thursday, November 6, 2008

Cups and Kilos

Cups and Kilos is a coffee place, I go to the one in Rabiah. I used to go to the one in Abdoun, but Rabiah is closer to my house. I personally recommend Hazelnut Caramella, Its delicious -Trust me- :P. Also All the types of hot chocolate especially the African! I usually order American Coffee :P. Now back to the place, It is very cozy; they have an outdoor seating arrangement which gives a cool breeze. However indoor there are like bean bags all over the place which is kind of funky :P and they have sofas and benches too. Personally I go there a lot and for all the reasons :P, for their great coffee, to study, to read a book,and sometimes we go as a group and play games. They have a great collection of games!! And I've decided to post this today because I have been going to Cups and Kilos since 6th of October for a whole consecutive month (I've been going there since a long time ago but with the Rabiah one next to my house, I've been going there daily).

1 comment:

Saed said...


the second home :) I miss it :(

I even miss the repeated music lol

[hai abidal :P]